This morning I saw a beautiful female Eastern Pondhawk lifting off from our driveway rather unsteadily due to an overly large piece of prey that it was grasping in its mouth parts. A few seconds later this graceful insect gingerly alighted on the backyard banana tree, where it began to more earnestly chew and digest its hapless victim. Camera in hand I recorded the gripping mealtime drama for you my gentle readers in cyberspace.
It appears that it was scarfing down a male member of its own species.
Just another typical day in the bug eat bug world of the Florida jungle.
Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis)Click on the image for a much more detailed view.
1 comment:
Stunning, high quality image. This female Eastern Pondhawk is actually eating a male Blue Dasher. The Blue Dasher male looks similar to the male Eastern Pondhawk, but the Blue Dasher has black on the tip of the abdomen. The male Eastern Pondhawk is a more powdery blue all the way to the tip with white claspers.
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